Physical and Technical Protection, from discreet human guarding of high status or sensitive assets to expertly designed and managed security systems, including cameras, sensors, and perimeter defences, GSA are unmatched experts in protective security.
Residential, Workplace and Sensitive areas
- Plain clothed, discreet residential guarding, both externally and, (where required) internally on the property, is available for the client to consider.
- Residential guarding times, dates and hours can be matched to the lifestyle and wishes of the client,
- Reassuringly, for when the client is not in residence, i.e. overseas, holiday, business et al, GSA can, if required, maintain a residential guarding stance in respect of the property, at hours and times as agreed with the client.
- Residential guarding options have scope, subject to client endorsement, to include a live-in guarding capability, or routine patrol and ‘check-in’ facility to the residence.
Martyn’s Law
GSA have partnered with the Meetings Industry Association (MIA) in preparation for the proposed ‘Martyn’s Law’. Together we have produced a practical guide to help the events industry navigate the emerging issues associated with Martyn’s Law.