Alongside reviewing an embassy or missions’ physical infrastructure, GSA can provide bespoke insight sessions to newly appointed, or existing ambassadors, high commissioners and their staff here in the UK.
This improves understanding of how the UK security, policing and diplomatic network operates. GSA can also support an embassy or mission with security solutions for an incoming VIP visitor to the United Kingdom. In this instance, the I-GEM service offered by GSA provides physical support and consultancy to the London embassy or mission, as well as on the ground attendance at the conference or summit. GSA can also advise embassy and mission staff on how to report, prevent and reduce crime, and deal with protest and direct threats or malicious communications at an embassy or mission.
Visiting VIP security support
For official, working or private visits by VIP’s to the United Kingdom, GSA can provide a comprehensive security package, from arrival to departure. This could be where the VIP visitor is neither seeking to use, nor meets the threshold for UK State provision of security support, but still requires a protection capability, eg a senior banker, CEO, member of International Royalty or certain Minister of State who whilst receiving protection domestically, may not qualify for this level of protection in the UK.
GSA has former close protection officers, drawn from the ranks of the Metropolitan Police’s Royalty and Specialist Protection (RaSP) command, who are used to managing VIP visits and whom have the reach into UK police forces and government departments to support a smooth visit, by any VIP, to the United Kingdom.
Our VIP security support service will see the protection operative assisting the aims of the visit, by engaging with private offices, venues, hosts and locations to be visited by the VIP client. This is all complemented by our facility, if required, to provide a wide range of executive vehicles, including armoured vehicles and professional highly trained security drivers to support a single VIP visit, or indeed one where a larger delegation are travelling with the VIP, for example to a conference or summit.
Buildings, property and people
The inviolability of diplomatic premises is enshrined in law, with obligations on host nations to prevent diplomatic premises from intrusion, damage and interference. (source: Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 1961). GSA can provide an independent and comprehensive security review of diplomatic residences, buildings and assets in the UK. An accredited GSA Security Coordinator will review your buildings preparedness for vulnerability to a number of threat and risk vectors, which could be criminally exploited. Our coordinator will then prepare a report and make recommendation, feeding back on where target-hardening and strengthening can take place and thereby reducing risks to the building and it’s occupants.
This reassurance to diplomatic staff operating in the UK is particularly important at this time, as political division and opinion take their course, with protest aimed at buildings and it’s occupants a more common occurrence. GSA also therefore has security guarding capability to support embassies and missions operating in the United Kingdom, all drawn from former specialist police and military ranks.
For embassies and missions seeking to employ UK based personnel, GSA has vetting and due diligence capability to assess prospective staff for you.
Diplomatic staff support – conference and summit attendance
The UK can be a complex place to work in and, for a first-time-to-the-UK member of diplomatic staff, understanding the mechanism and makeup of the UK Government infrastructure can be baffling. This is never more so than when the Government of the United Kingdom hosts an important conference or summit to which your national delegation and a representative Minister of State are invited to attend.
GSA can provide bespoke insight sessions to diplomatic staff, Charges D’Affaires and political secretaries in particular, that will give understanding to working with UK government departments when a conference or summit is to be held in the UK. Our liaison to you can help you connect with the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) prior to your attendance at the conference or summit.
We are highly experienced in understanding conference and summit preparation and can support with important matters such as delegation vehicle supply, accreditation, search procedures, airport liaison, drivers, aircraft manifests, delegation hotels, close protection and much more. Your GSA liaison can also support your team on the ground at conference or summit and provide the continuity and support needed to ensure successful attendance and outcomes for your delegation.