For the avoidance of doubt, where this policy refers to GSA, it applies to GSA Global Ltd and its subsidiaries.

Currently, the GSA Global Ltd subsidiaries are:

  • GSA Cyber Secure Ltd
  • MHG Corporate Risks Ltd

1 Purpose

The purpose of an Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) policy is to articulate an organization’s commitment to sustainable, ethical, and socially responsible practices. This policy provides a framework for managing environmental impact, fostering positive social relationships, and ensuring strong, transparent governance practices.

2 Scope

This policy covers GSA, its subsidiaries and all employees and contractors.

3 Policy

A new ESG Committee was established in April 2023, responsible for GSA’s intention to run as an environmentally and socially sustainable business. This committee develops, promotes and implements, on behalf of the Board, ESG initiatives to maximise GSA’s contribution to social value. The following initiatives and policies have been agreed:

  • Creation of new Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DE&I) Board
    • This Board has now been formed to promote DE&I across the GSA Group. It is also responsible for the relevant policies, including GSA’s Equality & Diversity Policy
  • Electric vehicles scheme for company employees
    • As part of GSA’s environmental commitments and to improve staff economic welfare, the company offers a salary sacrifice scheme for staff to have electric vehicles with significant savings
  • Commitment to pay all staff the Real Living Wage
    • GSA has the following policy: All GSA staff and subcontractors shall be paid at least the Real Living Wage. GSA is eligible to become a Living Wage Employer through the Living Wage Foundation.
  • Modern Slavery statement
    • GSA is below the threshold for requiring a Modern Slavery Statement. However, as part of its ESG commitment, the company has agreed a Modern Slavery Statement for the GSA Group.
  • Company newsletter
    • GSA launched the GSA Global Newsletter. This is sent to all GSA employees to inform them of the latest news across the Group.
  • Public safety
    • GSA is proud to be a leader in hotel security accreditation. GSA provides regular briefings on how individuals and organisations can travel safely including hosting conferences and seminars on risk and safety.
  • VCSE engagement
    • GSA has committed to increase its engagement with Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisation to further its ESG objectives. This includes proposed engagement with Forces Employment (a charity which supports the recruitment of ex-service personnel) for any upcoming contracts requiring ex-service personnel.
  • Carbon Reduction Plan
    • GSA has committed to remote working and closed one office in an effort to reduce its carbon footprint.

3.1 Mission Statement

Our business was born from a passion for traveller safety and security and our business aims to actively contribute to being a force for good – not only in the travel and hospitality industry but across wider communities.

In 2021, the business was expanded at the request of UK Government to support the public sector by providing highly skilled training crisis managers and key resource operatives.

In 2023, a Cyber security consultancy, GSA Cyber Secure was formed to provide technical assurance and governance, risk and compliance services to our existing and new clients.

For these reasons GSA is committed to being a responsible organisation that makes a positive contribution to the environment, society, and good governance. 

3.2 Summary

GSA works closely with global accommodation providers to ensure they can deliver the highest standards of safety and security for guests and staff.

Our goal is to contribute to a safer and more secure travel and hospitality industry for all involved.  We enable accommodation providers to demonstrate high levels of proportionate safety and security to guests, travel management companies and corporate travel managers responsible for sourcing accommodation. This helps provide peace of mind to staff and guests and reduce risk, danger and stress.

By demonstrating a commitment to high levels of safety and security, accommodation providers can demonstrate a reasonable duty of care aligned to global ISO 31030 travel risk management guidance.

Within the GSA Group, we also provide rapid deployment of a predominantly ex-police or ex-military workforce to government departments or private sector organisations to fill a gap for highly skilled, trained investigators, security managers, crisis or risk mangers or key resource operatives with UK Government vetting clearance. The teams can be ready to deploy within days and provide entire solution capabilities with experienced management structures in place to support areas of crisis within the public sector.

The Cyber security consultancy provides assurance to clients that their systems, information and physical locations are secure. The cyber goal is to promote secure systems and information to protect users, customers and others from cyber-attack. Within GSA Cyber Secure (and the group) we practice what we preach – utilising strong security controls to protect our systems, information and employees from the dangers on both online and physical attacks.

3.3 Reporting / Measurements

3.3.1   Environment

We are committed to responsible use of the earth’s resources as part of our daily business goals. We recognise the importance of using scarce resources responsibly and contributing to a circular economy. We aim to operate sustainably and support our clients to fulfil their own sustainability goals.

  • We recycle office equipment and waste
  • We strive to minimise our carbon footprint by (i) actively encouraging client to choose a virtual security accommodation assessment and (ii) encouraging remote working where possible. Measurements

  1. Recycling
  2. Carbon Footprint

3.3.2 Social

We are dedicated to creating a safe and fair working environment where our people thrive.  We look to deliver a healthy working environment to our employees and contribute to our local communities, ensuring they too benefit from our success.

  • We work in a skill-based environment. We ensure that all GSA employees are treated equally and all employees including all new personnel, are provided with full induction and training.
  • We are a diverse and inclusive organisation that does not discriminate in the employment of our colleagues. We promote the health and wellbeing of our employees and offer a positive and inclusive working environment.
  • We review our partner companies to ensure they also reflect our values and align to our goals.
  • We are a data-driven organisation that has implemented strong internal security processes and systems to ensure the protection of employee and customer data against breaches.
  • We aim to positively contribute to our community locally, nationally, and globally. Measurements:

  1. People Investment
  2. Data Protection
  3. Philanthropy & Community
  4. Responsible contracts

3.3.3 Governance

We strive to foster a reputation for trustworthy leadership, with decision-making policies that are built on a positive ethical and moral position that promotes sustainability, wellbeing, and inclusion within our organisation.

  • We are transparent about pay and gender gaps and have implemented structure and oversight
  • We carry out monthly business and financial reporting and have implemented transparent decision making.
  • We listen to our people and help them contribute to the future direction of the business Measurements

  • Diversity of Board and Executive
  • Transparency on accounting results and methods
  • The presence of a formal ESG policy
  • Open and transparent communication with employees, including the ability to communicate directly with the senior leadership team.

4 Exceptions

Any exception to the policy must be approved by the ISMS Review Committee and registered on the Exceptions Register according to the ISMS exceptions section located in the ISMS Management Procedure documentation. 

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